Favourite Moments in Fiction #26 – Clearing The Perfect Run (Super Mario Galaxy 2)

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Super Mario Galaxy 2


I have to really love a game to go out of my way to 100% it, especially if I have to overcome some notoriously difficult challenges in order to do so. Super Mario Galaxy 2 was one of those games, but while certainly tough at points, I never found myself tearing my hair out and screaming threw clenched teeth… until the very last challenge. Continue reading

Favourite Moments in Fiction #25 – The Hooktail Boss Fight (Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door)

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door


It’s such a shame that Nintendo doesn’t seem to know what to do with the Paper Mario series anymore. The first three entries are fantastic games that I could easily recommend to anyone with even a passing interest in RPGs or games with well-written stories and dialogue. Of those three, there’s no denying that the GameCube title, The Thousand-Year Door, is the best one. I could write several of these articles on that game alone with how many memorable moments it has, but for this instance, I’m going to focus on the game’s first major boss fight. Continue reading

Favourite Moments in Fiction #24 – All Might VS Nomu (My Hero Academia)

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for My Hero Academia

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I’ve only very recently got round to watching My Hero Academia, but I can already tell you that All Might’s battle with Nomu in Season 1 is one of my favourite scenes in the whole show (possibly a contender for my favourite scene period). Which is impressive considering that, on paper, it technically shouldn’t be that good. Continue reading

Favourite Moments in Fiction #23 – “My Friends Are My Power” (Kingdom Hearts)

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Kingdom Hearts


It sounds a little weird to say this but there was a time when Kingdom Hearts was oddly simple. While the series is notorious nowadays for its convoluted story-line, the first game is actually pretty easy to follow (for the most part – there are still some nonsensical moments). And while it may not seem as grandiose or have presentation on the same level as its superior sequels, the first game is responsible for some of the series’ most iconic traits and moments. Case in point – this scene. Continue reading

Favourite Moments in Fiction #22 – The Epilogue (Steins;Gate)

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Steins;Gate


I was originally planning on writing about the entire climax of Steins;Gate because I love it so much, but the whole point of these articles is that they’re short and get to the point, and breaking down why said climax is so great would take a lot of explaining, especially since I’d want those who haven’t played it to fully understand it. So, instead, I’m just gonna skip ahead to the game’s epilogue. Continue reading

Favourite Moments in Fiction #21 – VS Lusamine/Mother Beast (Pokémon Sun and Moon)

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Pokémon Sun and Moon

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Lusamine is easily my favourite villain in the entire Pokémon series. Aside from having a simple but sleek design, she’s deliciously despicable to boot. She’s able to present herself as a calm, intelligent and caring woman when, in actuality, she’s obsessive, arrogant and emotionally abusive to her own children. This makes her a great antagonist that you enjoy battling, just so you can wipe that smug smirk off her face and prove her wrong. But I want to focus on the second battle with her, mostly because of how unique it is for the series. Continue reading

Favourite Moments in Fiction #20 – The End of YoRHa (Nier: Automata)

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Nier: Automata

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No, seriously, this one is a massive spoiler as I’m writing about a good chunk of Nier: Automata‘s ending here. So, please, if you have any intention of playing this game, stop reading and go do that now because this is an ending that I feel nearly everyone should experience for themselves. I daresay that it’s unequivocally one of the best videogame endings ever. If you have already played it, then you already know why and don’t need me to tell you, but I’m gonna write about it anyway just because I can. Continue reading

Favourite Moments in Fiction #19 – Nero VS Dante, Round One (Devil May Cry 4)

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Devil May Cry 4


I don’t know how Devil May Cry fans felt when playing Devil May Cry 4 for the first time, but I imagine that they’d at least be rather confused. In retrospect, DMC 4‘s opening was kind of ballsy on Capcom’s part. It’s a brand new game but, instead of the beloved Dante, players are put in control of the seemingly less cool Nero who, while still kick-ass when it comes to fighting demons, is first seen running to a church so he can see his girlfriend sing – very different to how Dante is usually introduced. And then when Dante does appear, it’s by crashing through the ceiling and murdering a harmless, old priest. Continue reading

Favourite Moments in Fiction #18 – Peach Joins the Party (Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle)

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle


It’s very easy to make fun of Princess Peach considering her track record for being kidnapped, so I greatly appreciate any game that allows her to be more than the damsel-in-distress and actually take part in any sort of ass-kickery. Take Ubisoft’s strategy RPG crossover – I was already on board with seeing Mario packing heat but even arming sweet, innocent Peach? The image of her holding a giant shotgun is amazing on it’s own but Ubisoft went one step further. Continue reading

Favourite Moments in Fiction #17 – Charizard VS Entei (Pokémon 3: The Movie: Entei – Spell of the Unown)

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Pokémon 3: The Movie: Entei – Spell of the Unown


In case you never listened to my friend James and I’s commentary on the third Pokémon movie, well, you should (I actually find it to be one of our better commentaries). But if you really don’t want to or don’t have the time, I’ll just quickly state that it’s easily my favourite of the many Pokémon anime films that have been made. Granted, I’ve not seen all of them but I very much doubt any of the later ones can top this.

It’s my favourite for a number of reasons – the atmosphere, the music, the sympathetic and interesting antagonist, the voice performances, the overall story itself – but the absolutely best scene in the whole film (in my opinion, at least) is easily the battle between Charizard and Entei. And considering they heavily advertised this fight (it’s on the frigging poster and VHS/DVD cover), those who worked on this movie knew how much of a draw it was. Continue reading