Ten Favourite Tracks from Persona 4: Dancing All Night

WARNING: This article contains spoilers for the following:

Persona 4
Persona 4: Dancing All Night

Last week, I wrote a review on the rhythm-action game spin-off Persona 4: Dancing All Night, and while I did touch on the music itself, I kind of wanted to go a bit deeper into it. Like I said in the review, one of my favourite aspects was the dances themselves. Getting to see these characters busting a groove really brings a smile to my face. Combine that with the music itself and you’ve got something that helps give Dancing All Night its own uniqueness and makes it an even more enjoyable game.

So, just because I want to, here’s a quick list of my ten favourite tracks from the game, complete with the dances themselves. Continue reading

Persona 4: Dancing All Night – Pointless Party or One Last Hurrah?


Persona 4 is, without a doubt, one of the best JRPGs ever made. Anybody who’s played it will tell you that, which is probably why some people got a bit mad when Atlus started milking the crap out of it. Two fighting games, two different anime series, a crossover with Persona 3 and, today’s subject, a rhythm-action game.

Personally, while I understand some people’s frustration, I had no issues with these because 1. any opportunity to spend more time with these characters was a welcome one for me, 2. the money made from these would help fund other projects (coughPersona5cough) and 3. they were fun to play anyway. And for me, it was, bizarrely, the rhythm-action game that had me most excited.

At the time, I had only recently found myself becoming a fan of the genre thanks to the likes of Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy and the Project Diva games, so having a game like that but with Persona 4 music was a welcome one. But did the game live up to my admittedly lofty expectations? Can someone who isn’t a fan of the series enjoy it? Or does it alienate even the Persona 4 fans? Well, that’s what this review is all about. Continue reading

Persona 3 Portable – Thou Art Quite Good

(originally posted November 21st 2014)

(WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Persona 3)


Persona 4 quickly became one of my favourite games of all time, so I naturally became curious about its predecessor, Persona 3. Turns out there are like three versions of the thing; I settled on the PSP remake since it played similarly to P4 (I’m not fond of the idea of not having control over my own party members; I don’t trust the AI). I was worried that my love for its sequel would cause me to view P3 as a downgrade, and while P4 is certainly a superior title, P3 is still a good game and has plenty of great things about it. So, I’m gonna dedicate this article to all the things I liked. Let’s pull out our Evokers and get this started. Continue reading