Just Ice

Synopsis: An insurance worker’s terrible day takes a turn for the weird when a team of superheroes offer to help him.

Today is the worst day of my life, thought Gary Greyson as he trudged his way back home, memories of earlier replaying in his mind in a constant loop. A part of him hoped that if he kept thinking about it, he’d eventually figure out what went wrong, but it was no good. All it did was make him feel worse.

He checked his phone, fully expecting to receive a call from his boss to tell him he was fired. Maybe even a cold text message, but there was nothing apart from the time and his phone’s steel-grey background.

With a sigh, he forced his head up. Ahead was a small, dimly-lit bar. Gary had walked this path home for the last fifteen years and had never noticed it before. It didn’t look brand new, but Gary had never been a fan of drinking or going to bars.

He walked towards the bar to get a closer look. A sign that read “The Haven” was placed above the entrance. Despite its rather rough exterior, with a few small cracks in the walls and places where the paint was clearly fading, something about it enticed Gary; the direness of his situation perhaps making him reconsider his stance on alcohol. The light coming through the windows seemed like a shining beacon to Gary, who felt very much like a sailor stranded at sea. With a small shrug, he pushed open the door and made his way in. Continue reading