Is Toy Story 4 Necessary?

(originally posted November 14th 2014)

(WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Toy Story 3)


No. No, it really isn’t. Anyone who grew up with the original trilogy of Toy Story films (still the best film trilogy – suck it Lord of the Rings) most likely had the same reaction as I did when this was announced – a tilted head, a slightly agape expression, followed by a slowly drawn out and confused “Why?” Continue reading

My Five Favourite Pixar Movies… That Aren’t Toy Story

(originally posted April 4th 2014)

With ‘Finding Dory,’ ‘The Incredibles 2,’ ‘Cars 3’ and a couple of original films in the works, Pixar has got their work cut out for them for the next several years. Pixar is, in my opinion, one of the best animated film studios out there and though every film hasn’t been a complete hit, they’ve always had consistent quality; you know what you can expect from a Pixar film – it’ll be funny, touching and have superb animation. So, I feel it’s appropriate to list my five favourite Pixar films… with a slight handicap.

TStory Continue reading